Book Challenges

2020 Book Challenge Ambitions

This will be the year Jocelyn goes a bit overboard with book challenges despite the fact she didn’t really keep up with all the ones she meant to do last year. Oops. But obviously it’ll be totally different this time!

I actually do think it will be different in 2020 because several of these challenges are new to me and will all tie in together to help me get to my overall 2020 goal of finally reading more of the books I own. To say I have a book-buying problem is an understatement and to top it all off, I have Kindle Unlimited, Audible, and a library card that gets used so much I’m amazed it’s not in pieces from how often it gets scanned.

I recently cataloged all my books into the LibraryThing app and it was embarrassing to see how many books I own that I haven’t taken off the shelf since I bought them. I’m not even going to check how many unread e-books and audiobooks I have because I think that would send me over the booknerd edge.

So, hopefully, this will be the year I finally tackle those shelves! I’m only going to be giving brief overviews of the challenges I’m taking part in, but soon I’ll be putting up individual posts going into more detail.

Goodreads Challenge


Even though most book bloggers I know take part in this challenge, there are a lot of people out there who feel counting how many books you read takes away from the enjoyment of reading. I get where they’re coming from and if you’re someone reading just for the numbers, I can see how that might give you a bit of fatigue.

That’s why I never make my goal that much different than the previous year’s goal and honestly, if I don’t make it, I don’t make it. There have been a couple years where I didn’t but I really liked most of what I read so overall I was a happy bunny.

2019 saw me reading the most I ever have as an adult: 117 books against a goal of 85. Audiobooks helped with this a lot, as did starting this book blogging journey. Just in case it was a fluke, I don’t want to push myself too hard so this year I’m setting my goal at 90.

Mount TBR

Mount TBR

I had to laugh when I saw the Mount TBR challenge because regular readers of my blog know that I often refer to my backlog of books as TBR Mountain. I’m hoping to keep that mountain from turning into an overwhelming volcano eruption, so this challenge is perfect for me. I chose the 3rd level: Mt. Vancounver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s

NetGalley and Edelweiss

This will be my second year as a NetGalley reviewer. Joining NetGalley and requesting books has been one of the greatest things I’ve ever done with my life (sorry hubby). Haha, but in all seriousness NG led me to create my blog and this has been an incredible journey so far, one I hope to continue on for many years to come.

Last year I reviewed 50 books, earning me the 50+ reviewer badge, so I’m going with the third level of the NetGalley and Edelweiss Challenge: Gold – 50 Books

Audiobook Challenge

Audiobook-Challenge-2020 (1)

Prior to the last few years, I wasn’t a huge audiobook listener. I usually only listened if the narrator was also the author and I had heard that the audio was a better experience than just reading it (looking at you Steve Martin).

That all changed once my library started offering audiobooks. It took me awhile to really get into it, but once I did whoo boy I was unstoppable. Last year nearly half the books I read were consumed as audio and I regret nothing. So the Audiobook Challenge sounded right up my alley! I chose the 5th level to reflect how many I listened to last year: Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you): 20-30

2020 Book Blog Discussion Challenge


Sometimes with blogging it feels a bit like you’re screaming into the void. I definitely get the most out of my blog when people comment and we can have a nice back and forth, so this Discussion Challenge seems like a perfect way to get more dialogue going on my blog.

Beat the Backlist Bingo 


Beat the Backlist Bingo was one I took part in last year and even though I didn’t get the full house I was hoping for I did get pretty close. I’ll be posting soon about how well I did, but in the meantime I’m raring to go for the 2020 version. I mean, who doesn’t like a bit of bingo?

My Personal Mini-Challenge


Every year I set myself a mini-challenge shelf on Goodreads in addition to doing the main GR challenge. Last year was Science Fiction Books I Really Should Have Read by now, previous years included 19th Century Brit Lit and 20th Century American Lit. I haven’t managed to read all the books I set out to within these challenges, but I’m still glad to be pushing myself to read things I’ve always meant to.

This year’s challenge is why I’ve decided on the other challenges listed above. 2020’s shelf is aptly titled: You Have Books at Home. I’m going to exercise as much booknerdly strength as I can to stop myself from amassing more books because, well, I have a lot of books at home.

This may be a bit too ambitious, but I really want to get my shelves read so hopefully all these challenges will help. Are you taking part in any of these? Or doing different ones? Let me know in the comments!

29 thoughts on “2020 Book Challenge Ambitions”

    1. It’s partially because when I first started requesting books from NetGalley last year I made the rookie mistake of requesting ALL THE BOOKS. Took me awhile to get them read and reviewed and to have a rating that wasn’t below 50%.

      I got there in the end, I’m at 80%, but boy I have to exercise serious restraint to keep myself from requesting everything that looks good. Tbh I’m kinda worried that because I’m requesting fewer books I won’t be able to meet this challenge, but hey, I’ve got 12 months to try!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love the sound of Mount TBR challenge! I try every year to do reading challenges but I always fail, so this year I’m not going to do anything formal, except Goodreads. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I’m not the best at sticking with things so we’ll see how it goes. At the very least I hope to read more books that I already own so I don’t feel like such a jerk when I go on a book buying spree 😛


  2. Sheesh – I should really do that Mt. TBR challenge. My physical pile is massive.
    And I should also do the NG/Edelweiss one!
    Good luck with all your challenges! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! The Mt. TBR one I think is the most important because like you, my pile is getting redonkulous. I turned my dining room into a home library and while my bookshelves look awesome, when people inevitably ask “Have you read all of these?!” I start hemming and hawing haha

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this post! I’ll have to add a couple of these challenges to my list, too. Definitely Mt. TBR – my goal is to read at least 20 books that I’ve already amassed prior to 2020. And the Beat the Backlist Bingo looks fun – I’ll give it a shot!

    Good luck to you in achieving these goals 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a really good goal. Honestly Mt TBR is the one that I need to focus on the most, but Bingo is just too fun to pass up. I was only one shy of a full house last year so this year I’m determined haha. Can’t wait to see how you do!


  4. This looks like an ambitious list, best of luck! I think it’s awesome that you’re tackling so many different challenges in the new year. I used to participate in a lot more but usually ended up slacking on them, so this year I am just shooting to read 52 books across all genres and release dates. I might take part in the discussion challenge that you mentioned, though, it looks like a good way to stretch me outside of just posting reviews! I hope you had a wonderful new year! 🙂

    claire @ clairefy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks I hope you did too 🙂

      It definitely is ambitious but as long as I actually read some of the books I own and stop buying tons more, I think we can call it a successful year. Your challenge sounds good too, especially trying several genres. Are there any you don’t usually read that you’re going to try for this year?


    1. Lyn! So good to hear from you again, how are you?

      I’ve definitely taken on a bunch and that was after I whittled the challenges down, haha. Seems that I not only hoard books, but I hoard book challenges too.


      1. I’m good, thanks, but I let the blog go a bit at the end of last year because I was focusing on other things. Back into it now, though! I’m trying to balance writing and reading and still feeling my way through that. I’ve only set my Goodreads Challenge to 52 books this year, and I want to focus on reading things I’m pretty sure I’ll like, and quickly ditching any I don’t.


    1. Haha yeah I honestly hope it works because I buy way too many books without reading the ones I already have. It’s getting kinda embarrassing when people see my shelves and ask if I’ve read them all.


  5. I love this!!! I definitely need to tackle my TBR pile – I need to figure out what is even on it to be honest, I seem to have given up on my TBR Goodreads shelf and now I have no idea what is where. I love the sound of some of these challenges, definitely going to be looking into them. Best of luck!!

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